Arduino Shield Complete!
The Arduino shield I designed arrived from Oshpark about two weeks after I ordered it. There were a couple remnant production scraps on the edges that I had to remove,…
The Arduino shield I designed arrived from Oshpark about two weeks after I ordered it. There were a couple remnant production scraps on the edges that I had to remove,…
With the lengthened wires, I was ready to start scanning! I visualized the point clouds with CloudCompare. The equations listed in my previous post are completely wrong. I did several…
I spliced the LiDAR and Motor wires to make them much longer, just about doubling the length of all of them. This resolved the issue I had previously where the…
The stepper driver recognizes a pulse as a 1 step increment. To test this, I briefly used the Arduino tone() command to make the motor spin. The code underwent…
I noticed a minor issue with the redesigned motor 2 housing. When this housing is screwed onto the motor one shaft, it sits crooked and not orthogonal as it should.…
Here’s how the system is wired. You can access the Fritzing files at The 100uF capacitors next to the motor drivers are to protect the driver from voltage spikes, as…
In my preliminary tests, I quickly discovered that the 3D printed motor shaft hole on the motor 2 mount (connecting motor 1 and 2) isn’t snug enough. When Motor…
The last piece of hardware (at least for now) is a mount for the LiDAR device itself. An earlier version of this component was visualized in purple in my last…
How it works The LiDAR system is effectively a laser and optical sensor. It measures the time it takes the light to leave the system, hit an object, and return,…
I’ve started working on a new project. I’ve teamed up with Jack and Emery to continue the work they started last year with their capstone. The long term goal of…